DOD Announces $2.1 Million Defense Production Act Title III Agreement with Nalas Engineering Services to Strengthen the Domestic Critical Chemicals Industrial Base

MARCH 18, 2022 | News

As part of the nation's effort to sustain the critical chemicals manufacturing capability necessary for national and economic security, and in support of Executive Order 14017, America’s Supply Chains, the Department of Defense (DoD) has awarded $2.1 million to Nalas Engineering Services (Nalas).

The award enables Nalas to be classified as a domestic merchant supplier of aminoguanidine bicarbonate (AGB), a chemical precursor used in the energetic materials of DoD armament systems. Through the Defense Production Act (DPA) agreement, Nalas will establish the capability to produce 17,000 lbs. of DoD compliant AGB per year.

This effort is part of a larger strategy to on-shore the production of high priority chemicals, reducing foreign dependency for critical materials required for DoD missiles and munitions.

“The DPA Title III award to Nalas Engineering Services demonstrates the Department’s commitment to ensuring the availability of chemicals essential to our armament systems and national security,” said Ms. Deborah Rosenblum, Performing the Duties of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy.

Nalas is headquartered in Centerbrook, CT. The final production capability will be established at the company’s manufacturing facility in Norwich, CT. To date, Nalas has invested over $2 million into retrofitting the facility for advanced chemicals manufacturing.

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