For information on recent, active, and upcoming solicitations (i.e., Requests for White Papers) being released under the Defense Industrial Base Consortium Other Transaction Agreement (DIBC OTA), please visit here.
The Open Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) administered by the Air Force Research Laboratory Materials and Manufacturing Directorate (AFRL/RX) is not currently accepting White Papers. Please visit here to learn how to submit an unsolicited White Paper to the DIBC OTA Open Announcement (OA) to be considered for Title III funding. This OA will remain open until September 30, 2024.
Click on any of the opportunities below to see what each has to offer. If you have trouble finding an opportunity, contact us here for help.
To visit the DIBC website, please click here.
To view the Open FOA Amendment, please click here.
On May 7, 2024, the Defense Industrial Base Consortium issued a Request for White Papers for Solid Rocket Motors (RWP-KIN-24-02). Solid-propellant engines or Solid Rocket Motors (SRMs) are rocket engines that use solid propellants versus liquid propellants. SRMs are used in air-air and air-ground missiles, model rockets, and as boosters for satellite launchers. The SRM manufacturing capacity is constrained and fragile due to current geopolitical events. The U.S. Defense Industrial Base (DIB) currently does not have enough manufacturing capacity of SRMs to support ongoing engagements in the Middle East, Ukraine, and preparations in the Pacific, nor enough to quickly replenish domestic stockpiles.
Under this RWP, the Manufacturing Capability Expansion and Investment Prioritization (MCEIP) office is seeking additional SRM and/or SRM component or sub-component suppliers to create a more resilient industrial base, increase domestic capacity, increase competition, and thereby drive down unit cost. The submission period for this RWP closed on June 13, 2024. Additional details about the RWP may be found here.
On December 9, 2022, the Defense Production Act Title III Executive Agent Program Office issued a Call for Proposals (Call) on critical chemicals production. The Call requests industry submissions on establishing domestic suppliers of critical chemicals that are essential for national defense. DPA Title III funds will be leveraged to mitigate defense industrial base (DIB) reliance on foreign sources. The submission period for this Call closed on March 9, 2023. Additional information on the Call may be found here.
The Open FOA administered by AFRL/RX is not currently accepting White Papers. Please visit here to learn how to submit an unsolicited White Paper to the DIBC OTA Open Announcement (OA) to be considered for Title III funding. This OA will remain open until September 30, 2024.
In July 2019, the Defense Production Act Title III Program Office, working with AFRL/RX, issued a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to solicit proposals for production technology projects. The FOA, which was in effect until July 12, 2024, was divided into two paths to allow for maximum flexibility and increased industry engagement.
The first path is the Open FOA, which allows white papers to be submitted by industry at any time. Submitted white papers are on a topic of industry’s choosing, however they must align within one of DPA Title III’s focus areas: sustainment of critical production, commercialization of research and development investments, and scaling of emerging technologies. The second path is the FOA with Calls, in which Calls for proposals may be issued by the government to industry. These Calls represent vetted and validated government requirements that similarly align with one of the three focus areas. By adopting a two-path model, the DPA Title III Program is able to pursue ideas from both government and industry and address specific topics for proposals.
For more information on the FOA, please visit here.
In support of a Presidential Determination authorizing the use of Defense Production Act Title III authorities to address an industrial base shortfall in the production capability for precursor materials for munitions, the Defense Production Act Title III program released a solicitation or “Call” under Funding Opportunity Announcement Number FA8650-19-S-5010 on August 16, 2021. The Call closed on September 28, 2021.
For detailed information on the Call, please reference Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5010-Call-0011.
In support of a Presidential Determination authorizing the use of Defense Production Act Title III authorities to address an industrial base shortfall in the production capability for ultra-high and high temperature composites (U/HTC) for hypersonic, strategic missile, and space launch systems, the Defense Production Act Title III program released a solicitation or “Call” under Funding Opportunity Announcement Number FA8650-19-S-5010 on April 9, 2021. The Call closed on May 28, 2021.
For detailed information on the Call, please reference Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5010-Call-0010.
In support of a Presidential Determination authorizing the use of Defense Production Act Title III authorities to address an industrial base shortfall in the production capability for inert materials for munitions, the Defense Production Act Title III program released a solicitation or “Call” under Funding Opportunity Announcement Number FA8650-19-S-5010 on January 11, 2021. The Call closed on March 15, 2021.
For detailed information on the Call, please reference Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5010-Call-009.
In support of a Presidential Determination authorizing the use of Defense Production Act Title III authorities to address an industrial base shortfall in the production capability for precursor materials for munitions, the Defense Production Act Title III program released a solicitation or “Call” under Funding Opportunity Announcement FA8650-19-S-5010 on November 6, 2020. The Call closed on December 22, 2020.
For detailed information on the Call, please reference Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5010-Call-008.
In support of a Presidential Determination authorizing the use of Defense Production Act Title III authorities to address an industrial base shortfall in the production capability for AN/SSQ series sonobuoys, the Defense Production Act Title III program released a solicitation or “Call” under Funding Opportunity Announcement FA8650-19-S-5010 on March 13, 2020. The Call closed on June 29, 2020.
For detailed information on the Call, please reference Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5010-Call-006.
In support of two Presidential Determinations authorizing the use of Defense Production Act Title III authorities to strengthen the domestic industrial base for the separation and processing capabilities of light and heavy rare earth elements, the Defense Production Act Title III program released a solicitation or “Call” under Funding Opportunity Announcement FA8650-19-S-5010 on December 19, 2019. The Call closed on March 2, 2020.
For detailed information on the Call, please reference Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5010-Call-005.
In support of a Presidential Determination authorizing the use of Defense Production Act Title III authorities to address an industrial base shortfall in the production capability of NdFeB rare earth permanent magnets, the Defense Production Act Title III program released a solicitation or “Call” under Funding Opportunity Announcement FA8650-19-S-5010 on December 6, 2019. The Call closed on February 19, 2020.
For detailed information on the Call, please reference Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5010-Call-004.
In support of a Presidential Determination authorizing the use of Defense Production Act Title III authorities to address shortfalls in the National Security Space Industrial Base, the Defense Production Act Title III program released a solicitation or “Call” under Funding Opportunity Announcement FA8650-19-S-5010 on September 27, 2019. The Call closed on November 12, 2019.
For detailed information on the Call, please reference Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5010-Call-003.
In support of a Presidential Determination authorizing the use of Defense Production Act Title III authorities to address an industrial base shortfall in the production capability of lithium seawater batteries for sonobuoys, the Defense Production Act Title III program released a solicitation or “Call” under Funding Opportunity Announcement FA8650-19-S-5010 on September 20, 2019. The Call closed on November 7, 2019.
For detailed information on the Call, please reference Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5010-Call-002.
In support of a Presidential Determination authorizing the use of Defense Production Act Title III authorities to address an industrial base shortfall in the production capability of aluminum hydride, also known as alane, for use in various fuel cell systems, the Defense Production Act Title III program released a solicitation or “Call” under Funding Opportunity Announcement FA8650-19-S-5010 on August 22, 2019. The Call closed on October 4, 2019.
For detailed information on the Call, please reference Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5010-Call-001.
The Defense Production Act Title III program has identified an industrial base shortfall in the availability of reaction wheels to support National Security Space programs. To address this shortfall, a FOA for Next Generation Reaction Wheels (NGRWs) was released on February 13, 2019. Reaction Wheel Assembly (RWA) technology provides spacecraft attitude control torque and angular momentum management functions. The government considers Next Generation Reaction Wheels with low to mid-level momentum storage capacity important, as the trend toward smaller dis-aggregated satellite systems with shorter mission lives require reaction wheels of this class. The announcement expired on March 22, 2019.
The intent of this RFI is to gather information on the domestic production capability and capacity of the supplier-base for air-breathing engines for hypersonic weapon systems. Air-breathing engines allow weapons to achieve longer ranges and increased payloads to the target.
For detailed information, please reference Solicitation Number: FA8650-22-S-5507
The Emergency Supplemental Funding for Ukraine includes $600M for the Defense Production Act (DPA) Title III fund for Missiles & Munitions Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Areas of Interest and the Strategic & Critical Materials DIB Areas of Interest.
This May, the Defense Production Act Title III Program issued a Request for Information (RFI) (Solicitation Number: FA8650-22-S-5506) for Advanced Avionics Position, Navigation, and Guidance Systems for Hypersonic Systems through the Air Force. The purpose of the RFI is to conduct market research and give industry an opportunity to provide input on their capabilities in this area. The RFI will close on June 28, 2022.
On November 20, 2019, the Executive Agent Program Office for the Defense Production Act Title III Program issued a Request for Information (Solicitation Number: FA8650-12-S-5003) regarding the production of Ultra-High and High-Temperature Composites (U/HTC) for Hypersonic and Strategic Systems. The purpose of the Request for Information is to conduct market research and give industry an opportunity to provide input on their capabilities in this area. The RFI closed on January 31, 2020.
For detailed information, please reference Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5003.
On August 9, 2019, the Executive Agent for the Defense Production Act Title III program (Air Force Research Laboratory) issued a Request for Information (Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5027) regarding domestic industrial base capability for Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS). The purpose of the Request for Information is to conduct market research and give industry an opportunity to provide input on their capabilities in this area. The Request for Information closed on December 2, 2019.
For detailed information, please reference Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5027.
On June 27, 2019, the Executive Agent for the Defense Production Act Title III program (Air Force Research Laboratory) issued a Request for Information (Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5024) regarding domestic industrial base capability for Light Rare Earth Elements (LREEs) and Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREEs) separation and processing. The purpose of the Request for Information was to conduct market research and give industry an opportunity to provide input on their capabilities in this area. The Request for Information closed on July 31, 2019.
For detailed information, please reference Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5024.
On May 28, 2019, the Executive Agent for the Defense Production Act Title III program (Air Force Research Laboratory) issued a Request for Information (Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5022) regarding the domestic industrial capability for Sintered Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB) Rare Earth Permanent Magnets. The purpose of the RFI was to conduct market research and give industry an opportunity to provide input on how they can address identified shortfalls. The Request for Information closed on July 12, 2019.
For detailed information, please reference Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5022.
On March 18, 2019, the Executive Agent for the Defense Production Act Title III Program (Air Force Research Laboratory) issued an RFI (Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5018) regarding the domestic industrial capability for OLED Microdisplays. The purpose of the RFI was to conduct market research and give industry an opportunity to provide input on how they can address identified shortfalls. The Request for Information closed on April 18, 2019 at 2:00 pm EST.
On February 27, 2019, the Executive Agent Program Office for the Defense Production Act Title III issued an Request for Information to conduct market research regarding the domestic industrial capability for AN/SSQ-101B Sonobuoys production. The Request for Information closed on March 27, 2019.
On December 21, 2018, the Executive Agent for the Defense Production Act Title III Program (Air Force Research Laboratory) issued a Request for Information (Solicitation Number: FA8650-19-S-5012) regarding the domestic industrial capability for critical chemicals production for Department of Defense missiles and munitions. The purpose of the Request for Information was to conduct market research and give industry an opportunity to provide input on how they can address identified shortfalls. The Request for Information closed on January 31, 2019, 2:00 pm EST.
The Open FOA is not currently accepting White Papers. Please visit here to learn how to submit an unsolicited White Paper to the DIBC OTA Open Announcement (OA) to be considered for DPA Title III funding. This OA will remain open until September 30, 2024.
Successful White Papers must meet all of the following criteria: