The National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS)

Enabling a Modernized Defense Industrial Ecosystem

With the publication of the 2022 National Defense Strategy (NDS), Secretary Austin charted the Defense Department’s way forward through today’s “decisive decade.” Taking its lead from the NDS, this first-ever National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS) will catalyze generational change from the existing defense industrial base to a more robust, resilient, and dynamic modernized defense industrial ecosystem.

Following the National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS), the OASD(IBP) released the National Defense Industrial Strategy Implementation Plan (NDIS-IP), which outlines a comprehensive plan that aligns with the strategic vision of the NDIS by both addressing consequential risks in critical areas and presenting six key DoD leader-driven initiatives to mitigate the risks and shift the strategy from vision to a fortified reality.

NDIS Strategic Priorities

Read more about these priorities in the National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS):

  • Resilient supply chains that can securely produce the products, services, and technologies needed now and in the future at speed, scale, and cost.
  • Workforce readiness will provide for a sufficiently skilled, and staffed workforce that is diverse and representative of America.
  • Flexible acquisition will lead to the development of strategies that strive for dynamic capabilities while balancing efficiency, maintainability, customization and standardization in defense platforms and support systems. Flexible acquisition strategies would result in reduced development times, reduced costs, and increased scalability.
  • Economic deterrence will promote fair and effective market mechanisms that support a resilient defense industrial ecosystem among the U.S. and close international allies and partners and economic security and integrated deterrence. As a result of effective economic deterrence, fear of materially reduced access to U.S. markets, technologies, and innovations will sow doubt in the mind of potential aggressors.

NDIS-IP: Six Key Implementation Initiatives

Read more about these initiatives in the NDIS Implementation Plan (NDIS-IP):

Implementation Initiative 1: Indo-Pacific Deterrence

Implementation Initiative 2: Production and Supply Chains

Implementation Initiative 3: Allied and Partner Industrial Collaboration

Implementation Initiative 4: Capabilities and Infrastructure Modernization

Implementation Initiative 5: New Capabilities Using Flexible Pathways

Implementation Initiative 6: Intellectual Property and Data Analysis