With the publication of the 2022 National Defense Strategy (NDS), Secretary Austin charted the Defense Department’s way forward through today’s “decisive decade.” Taking its lead from the NDS, this first-ever National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS) will catalyze generational change from the existing defense industrial base to a more robust, resilient, and dynamic modernized defense industrial ecosystem.
Following the National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS), the OASD(IBP) released the National Defense Industrial Strategy Implementation Plan (NDIS-IP), which outlines a comprehensive plan that aligns with the strategic vision of the NDIS by both addressing consequential risks in critical areas and presenting six key DoD leader-driven initiatives to mitigate the risks and shift the strategy from vision to a fortified reality.
Read more about these priorities in the National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS):
Read more about these initiatives in the NDIS Implementation Plan (NDIS-IP):
Implementation Initiative 1: Indo-Pacific Deterrence
Implementation Initiative 2: Production and Supply Chains
Implementation Initiative 3: Allied and Partner Industrial Collaboration
Implementation Initiative 4: Capabilities and Infrastructure Modernization
Implementation Initiative 5: New Capabilities Using Flexible Pathways
Implementation Initiative 6: Intellectual Property and Data Analysis